I Yoga

I Yoga

I run, bike, swim, and yoga. Awkward –  try again. I run, bike, swim, and do yoga. It still isn’t parallel, but either am I when I do my poses. I have yet to go to a yoga class where I feel like I look like the instructor, long, lean, stretched, and at ease. Instead, I tremble and my muscles quiver and beg for a simple run. Focusing on my breath enables me to keep my mind off the fact that I’m about to topple over.

However, I refuse to give up. There’s just too much history behind the practice to toss out the concept without giving it a five-year college try. I started in August 2013 and have been at it for seven months, but only recently have I managed to fit it in more than twice a week. I’m proud to say I can now touch my toes after a fifteen minute warm-up. I look forward to the day when I can return from a seven-miler and simply pick the paper up off the front porch – without focusing on my breathing.

1 thought on “I Yoga

  1. Joe Scannell

    This was an unbelievable piece of writing. Gripping, beautiful, and extremely emotional. Thank you for sharing your gift. God Bless Kevin, too 🙂


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