Reflections on the Run

I’m a runner. More importantly, I’m a mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, teacher, triathlete, and university administrator. I love to run and have been at it since 1983. I ran my first Chicago marathon in 1983 with my sisters Maureen and Therese, and I have been hooked ever since. Running provides me with more than a strong heart – it makes me feel alive. My daily plod takes me away from to-do lists, paper grading, e-mails, and projects. Running gives me the time to think, empathize, problem-solve, pray and dream.

My husband Tim has been encouraging me for years to share my writing, and he set up this blog in March 2014.  We have five children, very large extended families, and loving friends. I often conjure up tributes to those I love, marvel at the absurdities of family life, and reflect deeply about my faith.

Why the title “Reflections on the Run?” As an English teacher, I love alliteration, but more importantly, my best thoughts seem to occur while I’m in the trails or on the roads.  I write, I run, I rethink, reevaluate, and revise, and I am often humbled. The run is key because in the freedom of pure movement, there are no constraints or distractions – just open space that generates new perspectives, opportunities, and hope.

My only goal is to leave something behind for my children, Katie (27) and her husband Bobby, Bethy (26), Brendan (23), Brigid (20), and Kevin (17). I suspect that other miracles may occur in this writing process, and I am open to them and I am open to you.


Bobby Immen, Katie, Kevin, Brigid, Bethy, Brendan, Nancy, Tim – July 30, 2013


Nancy Run

Nike Women’s Marathon
San Francisco, October 2012