Brigid is 24.

Today. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was as big as a house, and Tim was working in Glenview, IL – the other side of the city – and we lived on Maplewood in Chicago. I called my sister-in-law Pat about a bodily function question. Yes, even with child #4, there are surprises. Pat said to go to the hospital, and my borhter-in-law Vince showed up to take me. In spite of his kind prodding, I opted to wait for Tim because I could tell I had time.

Katie and Bethy (ages 6 and 5) went to play with their cousin Erin (age 7) two blocks away. I lived within two blocks of four siblings, Timmy, Bobby, Eileen, and Michael, as well as many old and new friends. A stroll down Maplewood was like a walk through the living room.

Brendan (age 3) and I settled on the basement couch to watch Dumbo, one of his favorites along with Sherry Lewis. Who knew? I’d breath through each contraction as he nestled into my belly until Tim arrived. I have no idea who watched Brendan when we left for St. Francis Hospital.

St. Francis was empty – probably the reason it’s closed now. Two nurses escorted us into an empty double room, took my vitals, and I resumed my chapter of John Jakes’ North and South. Tim watched tv and eventually turned on Cheers. Yes, it was a Thursday night. Those of us who were Cheers fans loved that early kick-off to the weekend.

Immersed in the drama of the Civil War, I kept reading. The nurses checked the heart rates (mine and the baby’s) and asked about our name for a boy because their superstitions indicated a heart rate of a boy. Kevin.  Kevin Francis.

Eventually, the contractions got closer and closer, and I was feeling great. The dozing during Dumbo had been an awesome fortifier. Brigid was born around 9:30pm with no drugs, shots, not even a Tylenol. Dr. Monglano handed Tim the scissors to cut the cord, and I thought he’d puke. Meanwhile the doctor saw a camera on the window ledge. What was Tim thinking when he brought that? Dr. Monglano took photo after photo of bloody Brigid connected and lifted, and he captured Tim’s green face as he handed the scissors back with a gentle, “No thank you. You can cut it.”

Brigid’s vitals were perfect, and when Dr. Monglano handed this amazing child to me, he said, “Nancy, you could have babies in the backyard.”

I said, “You weren’t around for the other three, Doc.”

We named this beautiful baby Brigid Kerry, so she would always have a part of Ireland with her. Brigid’s birth is indicative of how she is – natural, beautiful, peaceful, and present.

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